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09/26/2023 Community Update

Springfield Health Protocols


Dear Springfield Public Schools Community,

As we return to school, and the weather begins to change, it is important to note that there will be a rise in the spread of the common cold as well as other communicable diseases such as COVID-19, RSV, and the flu. As a district, Springfield continues to follow the current health guidelines set forth by the Department of Education and Department of Health. They include information on universal precautions, testing, and isolation.

Universal Health Precautions:

-       Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs and light switches often.
-       Thorough 20 second handwashing is important throughout the day including before and after eating, after using the restroom, and after recess.
-       Covering coughs and sneezes reduces the spread of germs.


-       When experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 it is important to test.
-       Testing can be done at home, with rapid tests, or at your physician's office.
-       Testing is especially important if you have any COVID-19 symptoms and know that you have been recently exposed to someone with the illness.


-       If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to stay home for at least 5 days. The day that they tested positive or started symptoms counts as day 0, and then begin counting days after that point.
-       After 5 days, if the child is feeling better and has been fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medicine, they may return to school.  If symptoms persist, they should continue to stay home.
-       Masks are strongly encouraged for 5 days upon return, but will not be mandated unless we are required to do so by officials.
-       If your child tests positive for other communicable illnesses such as the flu, RSV, strep throat or other common illnesses, please consult with your doctor regarding your child’s return to school.

If you have any questions about COVID-19, and any other related illnesses or the district’s protocols, please reach out to your school’s nurse for further guidance. 

Thank you for your cooperation and help to keep our students and staff healthy.


Tiffany Boehm
Director of Student Services