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Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment


Erica Scudero
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
973-376-1025, Ext. 1217

Patricia Mannino
Executive Secretary
973-376-1025, Ext. 1217

Curriculum & Instruction Information


Assessment Information


College Board ACT/AP/PSAT/SAT

NEW: Below you will find educational links for parents and teachers.

The first website is Achieve the Core. This website is designed to offer free, ready to use classroom resources that support standards aligned instruction for all students.

The second website is presented by the Dept. of Education for ELA and Math and focuses on prerequisite concepts and skills.  Included here are the recommended prerequisite concepts and skills necessary for students to learn grade level content which is based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in ELA and Math. This tool is intended to support educators in the identification of any conceptual or skill gaps that might exist in a student’s understanding of the standards while also guiding educators to focus on specific prerequisite concepts. The organization of this document mirrors that of the instructional units and reflects a grouping of standards and student learning objectives.

Lastly, Achieve the Core contains family guides for parents.  The guides are a brief overview for parents and ways to support their child.  
Student Achievement Partners' Family Guides


Information from the NJ Department of Education

New Jersey Student Learning Standards