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Sports Schedules
Visit Jonathan Dayton High School on Schedule Star/BigTeams:
Attention Dayton Athletes:
Family ID:
All students are required to have a valid physical on file with the school to participate.
- Physicals are valid for 365 days from the date of exam. Those needing an updated physical must submit a new physical to Nurse Graham on the appropriate state form. Said form can be found here: NJ Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form
- Due to the closure of the school and strain on the healthcare system, school sponsored sports physical examinations will not be provided at this time. In light of this, all incoming freshmen and those in need are encouraged to start this access at their earliest convenience.
- Completed physicals should be mailed Attn. Nurse Graham to JDHS - 139 Mountain Ave.
- Additionally, a digital copy of the physical should be emailed to rgraham@springfieldschools.com along with information on when the hard copy was mailed.
- If you are a returning Dayton student and wish to know your physical status please email Nurse Graham at rgraham@springfieldschools.com or our Athletic Trainer Brianne Triano btriano@springfieldschools.com
Click the link below for information to register for Winter sports...
Spring 2023 NJSIAA Start Dates:
- Baseball: Pitchers & Catchers Mar. 13, full team Mar. 16
- Softball: Pitchers & Catchers Mar. 13, full team Mar. 16
- Boys Lacrosse: Mar. 16
- Girls Lacrosse: Mar. 16
- Track & Field: Mar. 16
- Boys Tennis: Mar. 13
A message from the nurse...
**Attention Winter Athletes**
All athletes playing a sport must have a current physical on file with the Health office to be eligible to participate in the desired sport. The sports physical is valid for 365 days prior to the first practice.
Should you have questions regarding your physical, please contact the school nurse,
Mrs. Graham RN
Ext. 5258
Fall Sports
Football - Varsity
*Admission to Varsity football is $3.00 for Adults and $2.00 for Seniors/Students.
Boys Soccer - Varsity, JV & Frosh
Girls Soccer - Varsity & JV
Cross Country - Boys & Girls, Varsity
Volleyball - Varsity & JV
Gymnastics - Varsity
Cheerleading - Varsity
Girls Tennis - Varsity & JV
Winter Sports
Basketball - Boys Varsity, JV & Frosh
Basketball - Girls Varsity, JV
*Admission to Basketball games is $3.00 for Adults and $2.00 for Seniors/Students.
Indoor Track and Field - Boys & Girls Varsity
Swimming - Varsity
Ice Hockey - Varsity
Cheerleading - Varsity
Bowling - Varsity
Wrestling - [co-op David Brearley HS]
Spring Sports
Baseball - Varsity & JV
Softball - Varsity
Girls Spring Track - Varsity
Boys Spring Track - Varsity
Boys Tennis - Varsity & JV
Golf - Varsity
Girls Lacrosse - Varsity & JV
Boys Lacrosse - Varsity & JV
The Jonathan Dayton High School athletic program is an essential part of the overall educational experience and is as central to the development of students as academics and the arts. Participation in a broad, sound and wholesome athletic program contributes to the health of students mental, physical, emotional and moral. The JDHS athletic programs provide opportunities for students to work cooperatively with each other and participate in healthy competition. Membership on a team comes with certain obligations and responsibilities both in and out of the classroom. Student-athletes are the ambassadors of the program, school and community and are expected to exhibit exemplary conduct at all times. Participation in our athletic programs is a privilege and thus must be treated as such.
It is the hope that as a player you will enjoy the thrill of competition and the joy of team membership. May the JDHS athletic experience be the beginning of a healthy interest in sports that will last a lifetime.