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Board of education members serve on at least one committee. The board president determines the makeup of these committees based on member interest and expertise. Committee reports are given on a monthly basis at the board's public meetings.


Committee Chair Members
 Board Governance, Policy & Communications  Paula Saha

 Kristy Rubin
 Laura Gamarekian
 Meredith Murphy

 School Administration, Academic Programs & Athletics

 Laura Gamarekian

 Hector Munoz
 Jerry Fernandez 
 Meredith Murphy

 Finance, Facilities & Security  Yelena Zolotarsky  Adriana Silva
 Hilary Turnbull
 Meredith Murphy
 Negotiations & Teacher Administrator Board (TAB)  Paula Saha  Kristy Rubin
 Hector Munoz (TAB only)
 Meredith Murphy


 Township Liaison  Committee Rotation
 Municipal Alliance Liaison  Paula Saha


Representative To: Representative
 Union County Education Services Commission  Hector Munoz
 NJSBA Delegate  Laura Gamarekian
 UCSBA Representative  Kristy Rubin


PTA/PTSO Representative To:


 Edward V. Walton

 Laura Gamarekian

 Hector Munoz

 James Caldwell

 Meredith Murphy

 Yelena Zolotarsky

 Thelma L. Sandmeier

 Adriana Silva

 Laura Gamarekian

 Florence M. Gaudineer

 Kristy Rubin

 Jerry Fernanedez

 Jonathan Dayton

 Paula Saha

 Hilary Turnbull


Board Governance, Policy, and Communications

Duties of this committee shall include but are not limited to:

  1. In coordination with the Board President, assist in the timely completion of the Superintendent’s evaluation and Board self-evaluation;
  2. Ensure alignment of committee work and Board approved district initiatives with District and Board goals and long-term planning;
  3. Make recommendations to ensure actions of the Board of Education are open, public, and transparent;
  4. In consultation with the Superintendent, recommend to the Board of Education the annual school district calendar and calendar revisions;
  5. Review and approve all contracts and amended contracts for Superintendent, school district administrators, and other personnel concerns;
  6. Serve as a personnel committee for any such issues that may be warranted and/or recommended by the Superintendent;
  7. Meet with the Superintendent regarding any personnel issues and/or recommendations;
  8. Reviewing formal grievances with the Superintendent and making recommendations to the full Board;
  9. Recommending needed Policy revisions and fulfilling State mandates for new Policies;
  10. Drafting recommended Policy for presentation to the full Board;
  11. Attending regional Policy workshops as necessary;
  12. Serving as a Policy resource at Board meetings;
  13. Reviewing action items on the agenda for Policy implications prior to Board meetings;
  14. Maintaining a master Policy Manual and Governance Manual;
  15. Requesting review by the School Attorney for legality and wording of proposed Policies where necessary; and
  16. Recommend public relations/communication strategies to the Board and Superintendent.


School Administration, Academic Programs, and Athletics


  1. In consultation with the Superintendent, meet with appropriate staff members when necessary to discuss the school district athletics program;
  2. In consultation with the Superintendent, review recommendations for current instructional materials, including textbooks in use, district-wide curricula, and five-year curricula development plan on an annual basis;
  3. In consultation with the Superintendent, review recommendations for acquiring new or disposal of outdated textbooks and technology;
  4. In consultations with the Superintendent, ensure that resources are planned for in the area of curriculum review and staff development within the community’s financial resources;
  5. In consultations with the Superintendent, review standardized test and evaluation results of the district prior to the full Board presentation;
  6. In consultations with the Superintendent, discuss proposed structural changes that impact staffing as related to curriculum and instruction initiatives; and
  7. In consultations with the Superintendent, review proposed or revised job descriptions related to staffing adjustments.

Finance, Facilities, and Safety/Security

Duties of this committee may include, but are not limited to;

  1. Review bills prior to consideration by the full Board;
  2. In consultation with the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, make recommendations as necessary regarding programs and policies and including such items as insurance policies and firms, auditors, audit reports, budget;
  3. Meet periodically with the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary in regard to financial reports;
  4. Conduct a preliminary budget review prior to the presentation to the full Board;
  5. Consider the general operations and programs related to school buildings and grounds and consider the condition of buildings and grounds, repairs, renovation, replacements, and general care and maintenance thereof;
  6. Conduct, in collaboration with the Superintendent, School Business Administrator, or other designee, periodic evaluation of buildings and contents;
  7. In consultation with the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, monitor identified project needs, updates related to the Long-Range Facility Plan, and capital improvement projects;
  8. In consultation with the Superintendent, ensure that proper and adequate safety and security policies are in place for all school facilities and school-sponsored functions; and
  9. Reviewing, evaluating, and making recommendations based on staff reports.

Negotiations and Teacher-Administrator-Board Committee

Duties of this committee shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Representing the Board in all negotiation sessions with all units as necessary;
  2. Consulting with the Superintendent and School Business Administrator/Board Secretary during negotiations as needed;
  3. Recommending action to the Board regarding negotiations;
  4. Serving on a screening committee for a professional negotiator as recommended by the Board;
  5. Attending regional negotiations workshops as necessary;
  6. Making no commitments in the negotiation process without the prior approval of the majority of the Board;
  7. The committee, with the exception of the chairperson, may include members who are part of the TAB committee meetings, but are otherwise conflicted from the negotiations committee
  8. Serving as an information mechanism to relay ideas and/or opinions regarding major Policy changes that may affect the staff; and
  9. Report to the entire Board regarding TAB recommendations.

Strauss Esmay Policy