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Student Summary Dashboard

Genesis Parent Access Student Data Summary – Student Dashboard Screen

When you login to Genesis Web Access the first screen you see is your student’s Student Data Summary.   This is the student’s Dashboard screen.  You will see a ‘dashboard’ for every student linked to your login.   All your students will be on one screen.


Each student’s ‘dashboard’ contains the following information:

  • Basic information about the student:  student id, homeroom, grade, age.  If you are viewing the screen during the school day, you will also see information about the class your student is in ‘right now’:  current class, current teacher and current room.
  • Your student’s schedule.  The class the student is in ‘right now’ is highlighted in green.
  • The student’s attendance summary for the current week – this shows you a color coded attendance code for each of the week.
  • Assignment summary for the current week – how many are due each day
  • Optionally, the student’s bus assignments can be displayed.